I was struck by Candide's name in Candide. The narrator quickly clarifies
that he might have been named Candide because he is "quite honest"
(Voltaire 1). I found this fascinating because it seems to be a very obvious
attempt to have the reader establish immediate trust in Candide's view of the
world that is then undermined by referring him as "extremely
simple-minded." Furthermore, it is immediately apparent that Candide
cannot be trusted because he believes everything that his teacher, Dr.
Pangloss, tells him. He truly believes that "everything is necessarily for
the best end" (Voltaire 4). While obviously comedic, Candide's trust of
everything an authority figure says to him may also be a commentary on the
dangers of honest, simple-minded people. Candide receives ample evidence
against Dr. Pangloss's teaching including Dr. Pangloss's own fall from glory in
Chapter 5.
I find Candide's name interesting
as well because ultimately the social commentary throughout the book is
candid. Voltaire has Candide travel the world (Old and New) and laughs and
criticizes it all. There is nothing that escapes his criticism, from the
Jesuits to war to royalty. The work doesn’t attempt to hide these criticisms so
much as reveal them through Candide and through a writing style that captures
everything but feels childlike at times as everything is simply presented as
the narrator sees it. The style speaks again to Candide’s own simple view of
the world and to the honesty with which a simple person sees everything. Much
of what Candide accepts because others have told him to do, we question because
it doesn’t make sense. This reminds the reader of the many ways the world does
not make sense and brings into question how we respond to the many injustices
and inconsistencies in our society.
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