Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Voltaire’s satirical voice shines through in his work, Candide. Voltaire does not attempt to hide or sugar

 coat his feelings, but rather explicitly criticizes and mocks. Because of Voltaire’s harsh but realistic

 style, it makes for an enjoyable read. Voltaire uses the character of Candide, a young impressionable 

boy to mock things he does not agree with during the time of the Enlightenment, specifically 

philosophy and religion. Voltaire portrays Candide to be naïve by having him travel and believe 

everything he is told by Dr. Pangloss and his belief that the world is a wonderful place, despite the 

things he sees and experiences throughout his journey. Voltaire comments on philosophy and religion 

through examples that show how “useless” (In Voltaire’s eyes) that they are. Voltaire demonstrates that 

philosophy is pointless. What good is thought without action? Voltaire mocks the issues within religion 

by simply casting characters that go against every norm and belief we have. Voltaire’s authentic and 

unshielded views about the world are made clear through his naïve protagonist, Candide, who 

ultimately is forced to face “the realities” of the world and learn and come to terms with that the world 

might not be as perfect and good-intentioned as he had thought.   

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